Reporting an Attribution Claim from Anonymous Sources

As the novel coronavirus spread through the United States in mid-March, so did mis- and disinformation about impending governmental action. On March 16, 2020, media outlets such as the New York Times and Vox published articles on rumors circulating via text message that warned of an imminent national quarantine or lockdown. … More Reporting an Attribution Claim from Anonymous Sources

Did the GRU Hack Burisma Holdings?

In January 2020, a report from the security company Area 1 claimed that the Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) had been leading a phishing campaign targeting the Ukranian energy company Burisma Holdings, starting in November 2019. The Ukrainian company first came to U.S. public attention that fall, when news broke of the Trump administration’s efforts to look into the Biden family’s activities in Ukraine. … More Did the GRU Hack Burisma Holdings?